Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 18th International Conference on Glaucoma & Retinal Diseases Dallas, Texas, USA.

Day :

  • Diabetic Retinopathy
Location: Dallas, USA

Session Introduction

Saksakul Engchuan

completed Doctor of medicine from Prince of Songkhla university, Songkhla, Thailand

Title: Accuracy of Diabetic Retinopathy screening in Final-year medical students.

Saksakul Engchuan has completed Doctor of medicine from Prince of Songkhla university, Songkhla, Thailand. He is working as a physician in Vachiraphuket Hospital, Phuket, Thailand.




Background: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) was a leading cause of visual loss worldwide. Primary care physician with competences to refer DR patients appropriately might help prevent permanent visual loss from this organ damaged. We assessed accuracy of DR grading and referring decision of final-year medical students who will become primary care physicians in the upcoming year.

Summary of work: The study was conducted in a tertiary hospital. All twenty-two final-year medical students were enrolled. To complete questionnaires which consisted of twenty images demonstrating varied stages of DR, participants were assigned to grade DR and make referring decision. The images were selected from standard photographs displayed in reliable publications. AAO DR classification system which classified DR into no DR, mild nonproliferative DR(NPDR), moderate NPDR, severe NPDR and proliferative DR(PDR) was used as a classification system in this study.  Sensitivity and specificity of DR grading were analyzed. Referring scores would be assessed if DR staging was correctly marked.

Summary of Results: Average DR staging and referring score were respectively, 8.36 and 7.59 out of 20. Given that passing level of staging and referring score was eighty percent, no students achieved this level. Average grading sensitivity of mild NPDR, moderate NPDR, severe NPDR and PDR were 45.45%, 40.90%, 30.68% and 48.86% respectively. The specificity of DR was 43.18%.

Discussion: The study revealed that most of final-year medical students did not have enough competences to do DR grading and refer the patient sensibly.

Conclusion: To provide early DR diagnosis, prevent DR complication and reduce numbers of patient in tertiary care centers, the impediment to retain medical students’ long-term knowledge and make referring decision properly should be figured out. Moreover, medical students’ obstacles of DR grading should be promptly interpreted in further study.

Take-home message: How can we improved medical students’ ability to grade DR? DR complications will be subsided if we can figure out the answer.


  • Novel therapeutics ways for treating Glaucoma
Location: Dallas, USA

Session Introduction

Sankalp, Raj Kumar Yadav

post graduate in Physiology from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.

Title: Effect of Short-Term Yoga-Based Ocular Exercises in Patients with Glaucoma

Dr Sankalp is a fresh post graduate in Physiology from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. He enthusiastic and energetic involvement in teaching and research is well appreciated. He successfully completed his MD thesis under guidance of Prof. RK Yadav (Physiology, AIIMS) and Prof. Tanuj Dada (RP Centre, AIIMS). 



Ciliary muscle contraction (accommodation) and relaxation (de-accommodation) affects aqueous humour  outflow through both trabecular and uveoscleral pathway. Yogic ocular exercises (eye rolling movement) has been shown to decrease intra-ocular pressure (IOP) in healthy individuals (Dimitrova et al., 2017). Tratak Kriya is an ocular exercise involving accommodation and de-accommodation. The primary objective of this study was to assess the effect of Yogic ocular exercises including Tratak kriya on IOP in glaucoma at day 28, using randomized controlled trial study design.

Methodology: Glaucoma patients of both gender (n=103, 18-60 yrs) with controlled hypertension and diabetes, on regular medication for glaucoma, were included. The medications were same at least for last 1 month before enrollment, and had visual acuity of >6/60. The patients were randomized into group A and group B after their informed consent. Those with history of acute angle closure or retinopathy were excluded. Both groups continued their standard medical care and group B patients performed yogic intervention as add on therapy, 1 hour per day for 4 weeks. The IOP and quality of life (QoL) were assessed using Non contact tonometry and WHOBREF score respectively. Results: Compared to baseline, after 4 weeks, IOP was reduced in both eyes, significantly in right eye (p<0.005) in group B, while there was no reduction in IOP in the group A. Also, in comparison to group A, there was significant change of IOP from baseline in group B patients in both eyes, right (p<0.0005) and left (p<0.05). At day 28, there was significant (p<0.005) change in average WHOBREF QoL score of patients in group B vs group A. Conclusion: Yogic ocular exercises including Tratak kriya might be effective in reducing IOP in glaucoma patients. Further large studies are needed before prescribing it to glaucoma patients as add on therapy.


  • Retina and Retinal Disorders
Location: Dallas, USA

Session Introduction

Kevin McNally

As a legally blind speaker, lawyer, musician, consultant, traveler, communicator, and much more

Title: Living a successful life with low vision By Kevin McNally

As a legally blind speaker, lawyer, musician, consultant, traveler, communicator, and much more, I remain contagiously upbeat and happy. I would be thrilled to bring my passion and extensive life experience to you. Vision loss is a blessing. Let me explain why “it is not living with vision loss, it is succeeding with vision loss.”

I was born with an extremely rare retina disease identified as Albi Punctate Dystrophy. However, this has not slowed me down as I can read and use computers etc. My vision issues are mostly peripheral, not central. I remain a focused, dedicated and positive individual who perseveres in spite of low vision. 

I am happy to forward my “low vision” resume that details some of my ever-expanding experience speaking to and motivating both individuals and groups. I am eager for the opportunity to address your group.


If you have any questions or wish to speak with me, please feel free to reach out at any time. 


*2018 Lions “Ambassador of Sight” recipient

*2018 Lions Low Vision Centers of Connecticut Board of Directors



Life is a challenge even without having a rare degenerative retina disease. As a legally blind musician, lawyer, traveler, communicator, and much, much more, who is contagiously upbeat and happy, I am thrilled to bring my passion for life to you. Vision loss can be a blessing. Let me explain why.

My mission is to shine a light on the everyday challenges, misunderstandings and opportunities brought about by vision loss.

With my help, let us learn to “Navigate vision loss, one step at a time”


  • Retina Disorders during Glaucoma
Location: Dallas, USA

Session Introduction

Amaghere O. Charles

Director of Outreach Eye Plus Project (Nig.)

Title: Retina Disorders during Glaucoma

Dr. Amaghere O. Charles        (Doctor of Optometry Nigeria),

Director of Outreach Eye Plus Project (Nig.)

Chief Medical Director (CMD) Nationale Eye Centre Abuja, Nigeria.

President; Eye Plus Vision Africa Initiative (NGO)

Dr. Amahere Charles is a Researcher, Mentor and International Speaker, and an Award Winner.     



Spontaneous venous pulsation is viewed as a subtle variation in the calibre of the retinal vein(s) as they cross the optic disc. The pressure gradient of the retinal vein varies because of the difference between the intraocular space and the cerebrospinal fluid. Various theories have been propounded to explain what is going on: chief amongst them is that the intraocular pressure rises and exceeds the venous pressure during systole thereby causing the veins to collapse. Retinal venous pressure exceeds IOP, making the vein to expand. Of much importance is the fact that when the intracranial pressure rises, the intracranial pulse pressure rises to equal the intraocular pulse pressure and the spontaneous venous pulsations cease. In this manner, the cessation of the spontaneous venous pulsation becomes a sensitive marker of raised intracranial pressure. The fact that pulsations are increased in patients with significant elevated intraocular pressure, intraocular hypotension and increased intracranial pressure has been associated with absent pulsations. Therapies that lower intraocular pressure without also lowering intracranial pressure (such as topical rather than oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors) should be favoured. 


  • Retinoblastoma
Location: Dallas, USA

Session Introduction

Parth Pravinchandra Parmar

department of Ophthalmology at Government Medical college,Bhavnagar,Gujarat,India.

Title: Bilateral complete coloboma – a rare presentation

Dr. Parth Pravinchandra Parmar is a third year resident doctor in department of  Ophthalmology at Government Medical college,Bhavnagar,Gujarat,India. He has a special interest in Vitreous and retina, occuloplasty.Till date,in the duration of 2 years of housemanship, he has performed >150 cataract surgeries (SICS),20 corneal perforation surgeries,10 Pterygium surgeries,20 Evisceration,>50 Enucleation others. Further more he is interested in doing international fellowship in the field of vitreous-retina.

  • Full name: Dr. Parth Pravinchandra Parmar
  • Personal Email id:
  • Mobile number: (+91)9725106210
  • Facebook:
  • Category: Poster presentation
  • Date of birth: 23/10/1992
  • Postal address: 301/B,Sankalp apartment,Opp. Madhwanand aashram,Muni deri,Airport road,Bhavnagar,Gujarat,India-364001




Ocular colobomas are congenital defects resulting from incomplete closure of the optic fissure of the neuroectodermal optic cup around 5–8 weeks of gestation.We present a rare case of bilateral complete coloboma.


Case summary

A 19 Year old Muslim male born of a non-consanguineous marriage presented to ophthalmology OPD with diminished vision in both eyes since childhood.Patient had seizures and acyanotic heart diseases during infancy with no other systemic illness.Visual acuity in the right eye(RE) was hand movements perception and in the left eye(LE) 6/18 unaided and improving to 6/6 with glasses.Auto-refractometry findings were in RE:-23.50DS/-4.00DC/89o and LE:+1.00DS/-3.25DC/15o with normal Keratometry findings.Ocular  examination in both eyes revealed iris,lens and zonular coloboma inferonasally with few lenticular opacities in RE with choroiretinal coloboma with macula and disc involvement in RE(Fig. 1-4).RE was esotropic since childhood.Axial lengths of RE and LE were 29.27 and 22.11 mm respectively.Ultrasonography of both eyes revealed no retinal detachment.



Ocular colobomas are either sporadic or inherited with autosomal dominant pattern seen in bilateral chorioretinal coloboma or recessive pattern as a result of consanguineous marriage.Lens coloboma is associated with ectopia lentis,spherophakia or localized lens opacities. Complete coloboma including both anterior and posterior segments are present rarely.Bilateral chorioretinal colobomas are associated with systemic involvements.Complications include diminished visual acuity,amblyopia,squint,visual field defects,distorted vision,retinal detachment and choroidal neovascularisation so the early assessment is required.

Thus,here is a rare presentation of bilateral complete coloboma.